Berkeley Technology Law Journal
BTLJ has opened submissions for the Spring 2024 cycle.
BTLJ is an online-only.
We publish articles on the intersection of technology, law and: intellectual property, patents, copyright, trademark, privacy, artificial intelligence, online speech, society, race, gender, LGBTQ+ issues, economics, health, constitutional rights, and other areas of law.
BTLJ historically has been the most frequently cited technology law journal by both courts and law journals.
We aim to publish timely and well-reasoned articles that address novel legal issues posed by advancing technologies.
We strongly encourage submissions by voices and perspectives that have been historically underrepresented or marginalized in the fields of technology and technology law.
We acknowledge that these deliberate and intentional processes of submissions, article selection, and editing have an impact on the legal community and beyond, and we therefore consider diversity and novelty of subject matter and perspectives in our selection process.
In addition to our usual subject matter, we strongly encourage submissions that address issues of social justice and/or civil rights as they intersect with law and technology.
Most articles we accept are over ten thousand words, though we do make exceptions in some cases.
Thank you for your interest in publishing with BTLJ.