Tsinghua China Law Review: Call for Submission Vol. 13

Posted by Tsinghua China Law Review, community karma 45

Established in the Fall of 2009, the Tsinghua China Law Review is dedicated to advancing the global academic discussion of all issues relating to China’s law, legal economy, and society. The unique scope of scholarship published by the journal promotes a greater understanding and a critical examination of the issues impacting Chinese law — a genre that is currently underserved in legal academia. 

In July 2021, the Tsinghua China Law Review will publish Volume 13, Issue 2. We sincerely encourage scholars, legal practitioners, as well as students who are passionate about the legal scholarship to submit original articles on topics relating to China. 

Only academic articles within the range of 10,000 to 20,000 words will be considered for publication. We strongly prefer to receive submissions through Scholastica. 

This submissions call will close on April 30, 2021.

Best regards,
Lemmon Lin
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Vol.13

almost 4 years ago